
在外邦人選挙権最高裁判決の英訳が、最高裁Webサイトに出ていました。12月・1月に九州大学LLM/YLPコース で集中講義を行ったときには8月末までしか出ていなかったので、十分に取り上げることができず残念でした。

さて、同所では、確認訴訟について、" suit to seek declaration that...."という翻訳が選択されています。英米の訴訟法の知識が乏しいので、訳語の適否について判断する能力はありませんが、いろいろと考えさせられます。

3. A suit to seek declaration that Japanese citizens who are residing abroad and have no address in any area of a municipality in Japan are eligible to vote in an election of members under the single-seat constituency system in the next general election of members of the House of Representatives and in an election of members under the constituency system in the next regular election of members of the House of Councillors on the grounds that they are listed on the overseas electoral register, is a legal suit to seek declaration on legal relations under public law.

Article 4 of the Administrative Case Litigation Law
(Party suit)
In this law, a "party suit" shall refer to a suit concerning a disposition or decision to declare or create legal relations between the parties, which is brought against either party, a suit to seek declaration on legal relations under public law, or other suits concerning legal relations under public law.






